

Basic Concept of Electrical Power?

Electrical power refers to the rate at which electrical energy is transferred or used in an electrical circuit. It is measured in units called watts (W) and is a fundamental concept in the field of electrical engineering and physics. Electrical power is an important parameter in various applications, including electrical devices, electronics, and power generation and distribution systems.

The formula for calculating electrical power is:

power = \frac{energy}{time\ required} = \frac{VQ}{t}= VI \\ 
 \because I=\frac{Q}{t}\\
Power (P) = Voltage (V) × Current (I)\\

Unit of electrical power

P=VI= Volt\times Amp\\
Volt\times Amp=\frac{1J}{1C}\times\frac{1C}{1s}\\
P= \frac{1J}{1s}=W(watt)

Thus the unit of electrical power is 1W (watt).


  • Power (P) is measured in watts (W).
  • Voltage (V) is measured in volts (V), and it represents the electrical potential difference or voltage across a device or circuit.
  • Current (I) is measured in amperes (A), and it represents the flow of electric charge through a circuit.

In practical terms, electrical power is used to describe how much work can be done by an electrical device or how much energy is consumed or produced in an electrical system.

For example:

  1. In a light bulb, the power rating (e.g., 60W) tells you how much electrical energy it consumes and how much light it produces.
  2. In an electric motor, the power rating indicates how much mechanical work it can perform.
  3. In power generation, large generators produce electrical power, which is then transmitted and distributed to homes and businesses for various uses.
  4. Electrical power is also used to describe the capacity of batteries, generators, and power plants.

Understanding electrical power is crucial for designing and maintaining electrical systems, ensuring they operate efficiently and safely. It plays a central role in the design and analysis of electrical circuits and device

Power is also called ‘horsepower.’ in the industrial sector. The unit of energy for commercial use is kilo-watt-hour.

1000 joule work performed in 1 second is 1 kilowatt power.

1 kwh = 1kw\times1hr\\
           =1000 w \times3600s\\
           = 3600000 J\\
1kwh = 3.6\times10^{6}j

Electricity used for domestic purposes is measured in units of a kilowatt-hour.

1kwh = 1 unit


A 60 W electrical bulb is used for 10 hours every day. How much electricity does it consume each day?

P = 60, W = 0.060 KW

Therefore energy consumed = power x time

Energy = 0.060 x 10

Energy = 0.60 KWh

Electrical engineer, Researcher, Teacher.

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